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IFR to Palma LEPA feasibility

Hi All,

Wondered if anyone has attempted LEPA IFR on here?

I understand there’s a very good option here for VFR (With

I sort of cracked Ibiza LEIB and it seems fairly straightforward –

I’ve seen similar costs to Amsterdam, and it seems that in the LESB thread that doing LEPA El Cheapo is not feasible due to local regulation.

Couple of points

  • Seems Summer Peak you won’t get a SLOT due to capacity
  • From May 1st until October 31st, the use of the airport will be restricted for aircraft with a cruising speed lower than 220 kt (except State, hospital and search and rescue aircraft), daily from 0530 to 0700 and 1600 to 1830.
  • It is mandatory to contract handling agent for all operation to General and Business Aviation, by virtue of provisions in item 3.1.6 of AD 1.1 of the AIP-Spain.

The only thing that looks sensible is to fly outside of the peak Summer Season, when is warm, but not too hot and when local facilities are open. I remember end of October is S’Arenal everything closing. So presume end of April, early October or early May is the best time, avoiding the Summer flight schedule?

Qualified PPL with IR SP/SE PBN
EGSG, United Kingdom

Maybe not in El Arenal, but many hotels – particularly in Palma- are open year round. Indeed full summer is quite hot here. Last year was bad, this year even worse.

To choose between coming before or after summer, consider:

  1. Sea temperature. Still OK early November, rather chilly in April.
  2. Scenery. Lush in April.
  3. Services. People are rested in April and tired after summer.

A hybrid solution instead of IFR to LEPA would be to fly the full IAP to LEPA and break off to LESB, even scooting down the LEPA RWY all the way I did that a couple of times, but it was some years ago and in the middle of winter and I’m not sure if they let you do that any longer. I can ask if you want.

Son Alberti LEJF, Son Bonet LESB, Mallorca, Spain

As usual, all very good points by @aart

Still lots of things to do and places to stay in Mallorca off season.

aart wrote:

A hybrid solution instead of IFR to LEPA would be to fly the full IAP to LEPA and break off to LESB, even scooting down the LEPA RWY all the way I did that a couple of times, but it was some years ago and in the middle of winter and I’m not sure if they let you do that any longer. I can ask if you want.

That is still easy out of season, but rarely in season. A trick that often works for me is to request approach to R24R being used for T/Os with explicit request to break before the threshold (while R24L is being used for LDGs) . They usually use one of the two parallel runways for t/o, the other one for ldg. This is advised in the ATIS, but the trick does not work when R06L/R are in use. By approaching the t/o runway there is minimal disruption to the flow. If I happen to fit between departing traffics then a pass over the runway followed by a break to Son Bonet is no problem.

In-season the airport is operating with minimal separation on both incoming and outgoing traffic for maximum capacity and any aircraft flying the approach at <200KTS is an issue. One would think minimal separation is defined by the latter, stabilized portion of the approach, usually 140-160 KTS for airliners , but apparently the earlier part plays a big role in facilitating sequencing.

As to “minimal handling” at LEPA I only used it once years ago and got a roasting by the guardia civil for not using the “mandatory” GA terminal with an incoming+outgoing fee of 60EUR pp. I got away with it that once but have been reminded several times since that it does not comply with security procedures at the airport. I can’t force it down their throats since being local I need to maintain relationships, but by all means @pilotrobbie give it a go and tell us how it goes. I would not do it before Nov 1st as you will receive lots of excuses or no reply at all.

Last Edited by Antonio at 18 Aug 08:31
LESB, Spain

Hi Antonio,

I’ve been in contact with a department head in AENA LEPA/PMI and have had a back and forth conversation regarding the AIP and the use of the commercial aviation terminal. The information that I’ve got from the person is the following;

  • You may contact ramp agent for handling/Minibus transfer as per AENA GA circulation/AIP Spain (ENAIRE)
  • I may use the Commercial Aviation Terminal for this ADHOC flight, but depends on the type of operation
  • Previous email mentioned IATA code C, L, O, FE, B, G, J, Q, R or C can usually use the main terminal.

I did ask for further clarification if I could use the terminal, but there has not been a categorical no in regards to using the Commercial Aviation Terminal. I have her number/email so was wondering if you’d like to try in Spanish and to check with her if Private Flight can be used as it’s either the language barrier or a deliberate ploy to stop it being placed in writing to avoid such operations.

It seems AENA circulation that states we can have minimum handling is one thing, but what the airport chooses to do is another. I also wonder if Ramp Agent (I.e. Groundforce) will allow such a venture at Palma.

Antonio wrote:

As to “minimal handling” at LEPA I only used it once years ago and got a roasting by the guardia civil for not using the “mandatory” GA terminal with an incoming+outgoing fee of 60EUR pp. I got away with it that once but have been reminded several times since that it does not comply with security procedures at the airport. I can’t force it down their throats since being local I need to maintain relationships, but by all means @pilotrobbie give it a go and tell us how it goes. I would not do it before Nov 1st as you will receive lots of excuses or no reply at all.
Qualified PPL with IR SP/SE PBN
EGSG, United Kingdom

@Antonio I tried the contact in the AIP for Groundforce, I said handling and they immediately said they would do between aircraft and terminal. It was loud as heck, presumably the airport is very busy and there office isn’t back area. Not sure what PMI’s less busy times are, but would you call to enquire only?

pilotrobbie wrote:

It seems AENA circulation that states we can have minimum handling is one thing, but what the airport chooses to do is another. I also wonder if Ramp Agent (I.e. Groundforce) will allow such a venture at Palma.
Qualified PPL with IR SP/SE PBN
EGSG, United Kingdom

Hi, sure, I can give Groundforce a go.

LESB, Spain
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