dublinpilot wrote:
Googling finds thisJust put my sioen high vis vest on the scales to compare it to that 50€ 106g bike accessory: 156g. But 10pcs for 11,50€ says google, if you measure it in AMU, it rounds down to zero.Not bad but I suspect it can be done smaller and lighter if willing to sacrifice durability. Something like a space blanket.
And the cost is way too much.
I got a freebie yellow vest at Friedrichshafen a few years ago and keep it permanently stowed in my plane, but just in case, does it have to be a jacket? I couldn’t resist buying a pair of hi-vis yellow beach shorts on sale for €4 at Tesco.
roznet wrote:
It does not mention yellow jackets, but it mentions to send customs information 2h before, is that new? Couldnt find anything related on notams or aip though.
I mean to be fair, you have to file an Intl flight plan 2 hours before and GAR 2 hours before. I am guessing they just want the standard?
The FP no (can be filed anytime up to EOBT), the GAR yes for UK visitors. The 2hr customs etc was there for years but since the police became full time (with Mr Macron having a house there) the 2hr PN has not been enforced or, according to what the police told me, needed.
Looks like this is a local initiative. Maybe something happened? LFAT has always been incredibly relaxed and friendly.
Is there any form of aérogare / airport terminal in LFAT ? I think high vis jackets are mandatory whenever airline traffic / charter / maybe also biz jets is possible. I got asked to put one on in Angers too. It would be interesting to know the exact criteria (since it comes from EASA law).
Peter wrote:
The FP no (can be filed anytime up to EOBT)
Note that France requires the FP to be filed one hour at least before EOBT for any flight crossing its borders (in either direction). This includes the maritime border (crossing the channel into French Airspace without landing in France). See e.g. https://www.euroga.org/system/1/user_files/files/000/048/860/48860/a66f03c58/original/guide_vfr_2017_edition_2_complet-pages-107-109.pdf
Peter wrote:
The FP no (can be filed anytime up to EOBT), the GAR yes for UK visitors. The 2hr customs etc was there for years but since the police became full time (with Mr Macron having a house there) the 2hr PN has not been enforced or, according to what the police told me, needed.Looks like this is a local initiative. Maybe something happened? LFAT has always been incredibly relaxed and friendly.
I presume it might be for the airport? Local security restrictions? You pretty much fly near Macron’s house.
Anyone also confused by the opening hours?
Website says this…
AIP is in UTC -
SUM : 0700 – 1130, 1300 – 1700. WIN : 0800 – 1230, 1330-1800.
Summer, that’s 0900-1900 and Winter 0900-1900.
Correct with 1h30 for lunch in summer and 1hr in winter.
AFAIK they are ATS hours.
My earliest contact with the yellow jacket Taliban was (from memory) about 20 years ago. I’d landed at Humberside EGNJ and parked well to the left hand end of the terminal building. As I was walking towards the right hand end of the terminal where the entrance was, and a commercial turboprop was parked, an official came out of the entrance and strode towards us waving his arms and shouting about yellow jackets. He looked ready to explode with fury as we’d obviously not read the NOTAM. Henceforth I always carry a couple of jackets in my flight bag as we have to keep the jobsworths happy!