Hello everyone,
After having my PPL for a year I finally starting a big trip today, Norway for three weeks from Belgium, with much inspiration from this site. I flew EBAW-EKYT-ENVA today, with the last segment being absolutely spectacular.
However, the RPM gauge died on the last segment. Is there any one who has any tips on who I might contact here in Tronheim to get this fixed? This is for a SR20G2. Any help or tips are appreciated.
Many thanks,
I wouldn‘t worry about the RPM gauge if on a trip. It may sound odd to someone who just got his PPL, but people continue trips with more serious stuff not working than an RPM gauge. Repairing things away from home, particularly at the edges of Europe is oftem jist not possibe, at least not without seriously hampering the trip.
When I landed I pulled out the required equipment list and alas the RPM gauge was on it.
The more annoying thing is the power percentage display appears to be linked to this and was showing 0%. Again not the end of the world but for leaning, knowing which power settings give you what, mag checks, etc, it certainly messes with ones work flow. Manifold pressure gauge is fine.
I would call these guys at the flying club – they will know the closest/best place to get this fixed.
They kindly list a bunch of names and phone numbers on their website:
Good luck – maintenance issues away from home are really frustrating. BTW, congrats on your courage to get out and fly!
Helitrans: +47 48 31 30 00 (https://helitrans.no/teknisk/)
They do fixed wing as well. Good luck!
@Wingswaterandwheels and @LeSving are local and may be able to help
Thanks for the responses, I contacted the club, and they have responded with the contact o their mechanic. Let’s hope it is something that can be fixed quickly.
I will be at the club all day today doing instructions and this and that If you had an experimental or UL I could help, but certified – njet. I’m not sure if our mechanic is here right now, or on a holiday trip. Helitrans is worth asking. It could be you need some parts as well?
Thanks for the response, I contacted the CAMO in Belgium and they are going to get back to me with the options. Waiting to hear from them. It appears that everything should be coordinated though them. No idea what they would propose.
I had a magneto fail earlier this year in the Netherlands and they drove the mechanic over to fix it, but this is a bit further away.
Looking on the Cirrus boards, there appears to be a (expensive) SR20 part called the Tachometer Generator that fails commonly.
We shall see.
Talked to the mechanic just now. He mentioned this camo thing. Otherwise we all tend to agree with Boscomantico, for what it’s worth. But it’s a pilot decision.