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Salerno LIRI

It seems good news are coming from Salerno.

LDZA LDVA, Croatia

Yes. Call my a cynic, but knowing what a typical operation at other Italian airline airports including SkyService handling costs, it will not be popular.

We can also expect landing PPR, parking PPR, slot coordination, etc. There are 7 light GA parking positions. And they all seem to be „pushback“ positions, how stupid.

At the least, the current AIP shows Avgas 10LL. But let‘s wait for the flood of restrictive NOTAMs once it opens…

Last Edited by boscomantico at 14 Jun 15:21
Mainz (EDFZ) & Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

Maybe the opening day will be easy

LDZA LDVA, Croatia

Just checked. Skyservices is FBO at both bloody expensive and fairly reasonable AP.
I remain optimistic (for no particular reason, it’s a habit).
We shall see, marked the day of opening.

EDM_, Germany

If accessible (I mean really…), that would be a nice stop around Napilo, which is very nice to spend some time.
Around Salerno, you have some old rocks around Paestum, and by train you can easily reach Pompei, Ercolano and finali Napoli that is a gorgeous town.

LFMD, France

Just received an email saying that Napoli (close by) restricted to 170 GA/BA movement for June and that’s are already been achieved.
So I assume that Salerno will be quite popular even on the 11th…

LFPT Pontoise, LFPB

So, anybody tried to get PPR yet?

That said, the notamed webpage for PPR

does not even seem to exist.

Mainz (EDFZ) & Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

boscomantico wrote:

So, anybody tried to get PPR yet?

Unfortunately I wasn’t able to fly there yet and I guess I won’t be able before end of September. As I can see, EasyJet and Volotea fly regularly there, so it seems that “Napoli South” works normally.

However, the web site is slow and sloppy with many “English” pages simply left in Italian. PPR page is inaccesible. Getting any useful information on web site is nearly impossible and I guess handling is mandatory for all GA aircraft (although I haven’t read this anywhere) or if not mandatory then probably recommended because it’s the only way to submit PPR. PPR is 48 hours prior to arrival latest and any further change must done 48 prior to new ETA. I don’t think this place will become favorite spot for small GA. Business jets, maybe.

LDZA LDVA, Croatia

Turns out it is practically closed to GA (at least for the high season), much as expected…

Last Edited by boscomantico at 18 Jul 14:16
Mainz (EDFZ) & Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

Dear all,
I contacted Sky Services yesterday for a potential fuel (Avgas) stop on our way to Greece next month.
The answer I got today was that Avgas is not available at LIRI.


LFPT, France
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