Was in Plovdiv around one year ago with a DA42 on a VFR from/to Slovakia. I just filed the flight plan in VFR with border crossing point. When I wanted to return in evening in the night they refused to let me fly back in night VFR since according to Bulgarian rules they not permit VFR night, except traffic patterns. They agreed it’s not in accordance with EASA but local rules. So was staying a night in Plovdiv. Except this it was a pleasant experience and not too costly either.
Thanks @Dan
Just so people don’t get the wrong message about Bulgaria, that photo was taken during refueling in Serbia at Nis LYNI… a story for another thread.
It did indeed take quite a while to refuel at one Bulgarian airfield, but that was LBGO Gorna Oryahovitsa which does not carry Avgas. AOPA Bulgaria arranged for a small tank truck to transport Avgas by road from Sophia to Gorna just for us. It took quite a while to fill up the 13 aircraft using the small hose on the truck!
AOPA Bulgaria just confirmed to me @lionel ’s comments.
Bulgaria entry and exit must be via one of LBSF, LBGO, LBPL, LBBG, LBWN.
AOPA card gets good discount at LBSF, LBGO, LBBG, LBWN (LBPL???). Landing should be less than €100.
Must present a copy of a security checklist (ask AOPA Bulgaria re required content). Failure to do so may generate cost of up to €35/hour.
chflyer wrote:
security checklist
What does that mean?
Airborne_Again wrote:
What does that mean?
I don’t know, that’s why I indicated to ask Bulgaria AOPA for details. Personally, I don’t plan to make another flight there soon, so didn’t pursue further. I believe @Buckerfan will do so in light of his planned trip.
FWIW, we’ve been to Bulgaria in September. We entered at Plovdiv, LBPD and left at Varna, LBWN. Both ADs were very friendly. We didn’t show AOPA cards and nobody asked for them. Varna is Fraport but it was less then 100€ all in for landing and three days parking. Plovdiv was less. Note that you need the authorization number in field 18 of the fpl, GEN 1.2 specifies how to get it. Your fpl will be canceled if you fail to follow the procedure. Don’t ask me how I know 😉
terbang wrote:
GEN 1.2 specifies how to get it.
Could you please tell me how to find GEN 1.2. I am totally puzzled.
@Buckerfan: Bulgarian AIP here, and GEN 1.2 here
Given you’ve emailed [email protected] it’s not obvious to me what you need to include in the FPL, but I’ve only spent a couple of minutes looking at GEN 1.2. I’d email them and ask :-D
[ links changed to live links ]
For some reason I can’t upload pdfs from my ipad. I usually access the European AIPs with Sky Demon. You shuld be able to find it on EAD. If you tell me your email address by PM I would be happy to send it by mail.
Edit: Winston was faster 😀