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IFR to Ibiza LEIB feasibility

Hi All,

Looking at planning Ibiza for 5 nights in September, as after every set of night shifts I get 7 days off. Once I’ve got the IR I feel that these sorts of trips are more feasible with a full-time job, that doesn’t allow you to just rock up when you want.

With that said, I read the fees are prohibitive, but is that for over a certain weight? What would it be like for a JetA1 DA40? 1150kg MTOW with 3POB?

What routings could I take with regular stops, would it be nice to stop on the way via Perpignan or Girona? Would this be doable at FL90 from the Bordeaux/Marseille FIR into Barcelona FIR. How bad is the turbulence, or does it depend on the wind across the Pyrenees.

Would it be better to go via Son Bonnet (Palma) and get a Ferry across? Just getting LEIB in the logbook is something special.


Qualified PPL with IR SP/SE PBN
EGSG, United Kingdom

I recommend reading this and this and this.

See especially the stuff about dealing with the handling agents.

The flying is the same, of course

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

It’s all pretty easy. More a question of money than flying technique.
PS: Gerona is pretty expensive too nowadays. When I went in 2002 it was € 15 landing fee. No handling :-/

EBST, Belgium


At F090 from the UK you should have a nice ride in September. Don’t worry about the Pyrenees. You can also consider stopping at LEPP or LEZG. Always consider a mix of VFR/IFR if the weather is nice since it will allow you the max route optimization.

For Ibiza mandatory handling, contact Iberia:
TEL: +34-971 809 330
FAX: +34-971 809 333
Mobile phone: No
E-mail: [email protected]

Ask for the “escort service to the terminal”. Total fees will be around 20€ for handling plus 20€ parking per day. Not that expensive I guess.

Don't get too slow
LECU, Spain

Total fees will be around 20€ for handling plus 20€ parking per day. Not that expensive I guess.

Agreed ! This puts Ibiza back on the list if true.

EBST, Belgium

pilotrobbie wrote:

What routings could I take with regular stops, would it be nice to stop on the way via Perpignan or Girona? Would this be doable at FL90 from the Bordeaux/Marseille FIR into Barcelona FIR. How bad is the turbulence, or does it depend on the wind across the Pyrenees.

Perpignan (LFMP) is super nice fuel stop if you have Total Card (pay landing fee & gate access code via otherwise no one is around to help or bother you, you can try Carcassone (LFMK), the airport/city have more charm IMO?

IFR direct you may need FL130 and oxygen no?

For VFR, you can plan for FL95 above Bordeaux/Toulouse TMA, but if your plan to over-climb Pyrenees try 60nm before reaching them but the engine should deliver in Sep, passing Andorra, you can go low in the wide valley via Cerdanya or go following the coast via Perpignan, Girona/Barcelona may push you lower 3500ft/1500ft (they have precribed VFR routes)

Can’t say anything about Ibiza, I don’t remember anything sorry

Enjoy it !

Last Edited by Ibra at 28 Feb 19:14
Paris/Essex, France/UK, United Kingdom

speed wrote:

Ask for the “escort service to the terminal”. Total fees will be around 20€ for handling plus 20€ parking per day. Not that expensive I guess.

Are you sure about this? Previous reports were stating €400+ of total fees for landing at Ibiza.

LDZA LDVA, Croatia


Absolutely, I go there very often and it is regulated by AENA (airport owner). Check AIP for further info.

It might have happened to some that they have requested not just the escort service but the Business Aviation Terminal access, van, etc…thus increasing the price to business jet.

Don't get too slow
LECU, Spain


LDZA LDVA, Croatia

That’s an astonishing change in Spain.

These airports were definitely in the 200-300 area a few years ago and as reported in the links I posted, extensive communications (we did a fly-in to Menorca, which was quite successful) failed to improve things much. Spain has a law saying that a pilot has the right to minimal handling but the Spanish handlers worked around it by running a “cartel” whereby they did not respond to communications, so you had no choice The airports themselves rarely engage in communication, which finishes things off nicely.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom
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