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Big variations in PPL costs

MichaLSA wrote:

Is 15k the estimate of 2014 or 2022? Surprising – cumulated inflation 2014-2022 would add up to +30 percent, which is pretty close to your 19.4 divided by 15 ;-) or is that pure coincidence?

15k was my ball park estimate in 2022; which was fairly close to the plane rental and instruction costs. Turns out there were many other costs that add up.
When I inquired in 2014 at the same club, the hourly rate was 105 EUR for a C152 and instruction was 40 EUR/h. I estimated a cost of ~9000 EUR back then. I believe that since 2014 all club planes moved under CAMO at a commercial MX shop; which would be the largest factor in increased costs.

ji wrote:

My PPL in Belgium in 2021-2023 was €15,785 in 70 hours:

Good price! Mind sharing on which air frame you completed your training?

Last Edited by FlyingHog at 06 Jan 20:56
EBKT, Belgium

For comparison, here are my numbers (recent 2022-2024 training in a French DTO / aéroclub):

  • ~56 hours (mostly dual, only about 13h solo)
  • DA20 122€/h (+32€/flight hour dual)
  • total cost ~9000€ (about 7.5k flight hours, and 1.5k various fees, hardware, theory exam etc.)

Currently the total cost of the PPL in our DTO / aeroclub near Prague is €7.240 (45 hours on C152).
It doesn´t include a price of medical (€80), theoretical exam at CAA (€200), final PPL exam (€100), airport fees (mostly zero or low).

Last Edited by Destinatus at 07 Jan 18:14
Czech Republic

FlyingHog wrote:

My PPL in Belgium in 2021-2023 was €15,785 in 70 hours:
Good price! Mind sharing on which air frame you completed your training?

DV20. Currently €156/hr.

EBGB EBAW, Belgium

What’s interesting here is the rate of inflation in aviation training vs general goods and services.

In 1998 my PPL done at KBUR cost approximately (I don’t recall the exact figure) $ 2700. This equates to about $ 5500 today using the Fed inflation calculator.

That little flight school doesn’t exist anymore, but to do a PPL in the general L.A. are today sets you back around $ 15-18k. Fuel definitely is a factor and I suspect insurance to be other main driver.

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