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TMG (in SPL and PPL) and hour building


I have a SPL with TMG. I have my PPL skills test this week. Does the TMG gets automatically associated to my PPL also? Or is there anything I need to do?

If I log the TMG hours in my PPL logbook, does it count to the flight experience required for other trainings like glider towing, CPL, IR, UPRT, etc?

What are the maximum number of hours, if any, that I can count towards total flight experience? For gliders, I think I can count up to 30h from my SPL logbook, which contains all gliders flights including TMG. I am not sure if I start logging the TMG flights in my PPL logbook if these hours will also be counted.

I would appreciate if someone can share their personal experience with this topic.


EBSH, Switzerland

Hours depends on what for/towards to be honest – it varies

Appendix 3 to Annex I Part FCL confirms that for a modular CPL you can count a max of 30 hours TMG towards the 200 requirement

If you are taking your PPL test in an SEP it will be issued with a SEP class rating, I believe you will then have to do a quick class rating skill test in a TMG to add the TMG class rating as well (the SPL has privileges and not a rating – this has been a problem for those people who hold a LAPL with SEP and TMG privileges, then upgrade to PPL in a SEP). Note this is UK experience.

Posts are personal views only.
Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

JFonseca wrote:

Does the TMG gets automatically associated to my PPL also?

Assuming you pass skill test for PPL on SEP likely you won’t get TMG rating automatically. However if you retain SPL then I think you can still use it for flying TMG. The total hours count doesn’t depend on whether you have corresponding rating on your PPL or not, just like in a scenario where you make a flight based on a foreign license.

MattL wrote:

this has been a problem for those people who hold a LAPL with SEP and TMG privileges, then upgrade to PPL in a SEP

PPL explicitly includes LAPL privileges since around 2019, so in this case if the LAPL recency conditions are met then it doesn’t matter if you have a valid rating or not.

EGKR, United Kingdom

@YakovD – no – if you elect to use your PPL with a LAPL medical to only exercise LAPL privileges, you cannot just decide to operate on LAPL ‘rolling validity’ and you MUST maintain appropriate class ratings and validities still

Posts are personal views only.
Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
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