While digging about the BIR, I found this surprising request on the BIR check flight application form :
The candidate must be accompanied by a pilot qualified to instruct on the aircraft IFR and authorized by the approved school. This instructor is a safety and performs the function of Captain during the review
Then :
So the exam flight will have 3 POB : the candidate, the instructor/PIC and the examiner
Did anyone heard about this before, or is it a crazy DGAC idea ?
There is no mention of this that I can find in part-FCL. Indeed, the description of the skill test procedure (appendix 7 to part-FCL) is the same for IR and BIR.
It looks like the DGAC doesn’t want its examiners to be PIC – perhaps even not having to be authorised to fly the aircraft themselves.
What is “système de contrôle d’émission” that the aircraft must have?
Excellent question !!
There is no requirement in FCL for examiners to act as PIC or have access to controls
It’s not specific to BIR, I have done my MEIR test in France in DA42,
- Safety instructor (IRI + CRI) in the front seat
- Examiner (IRE) sits in the backseat
I was told same is done in SEIR tests by DGAC, I am wondering how will that work for 2 seaters IFR aircraft like C152, Liberty XL?
Airborne_Again wrote:
It looks like the DGAC doesn’t want its examiners to be PIC – perhaps even not having to be authorised to fly the aircraft themselves.
That is true as some IRE examiners don’t hold CRI/CRE or don’t hold FCL.055.D for IFR ELP?
I think it’s healthy to have the option of examiner sitting as passenger or safety observer, while ago my UK school tried to organize an exam with someone from CAA who rarely fly SEP (he flies A320), he does not fly in clouds in single engines, he does not like non-radar airports like Lydd, he does not fly to Jersey with long water crossings to tick ILS/GPS, maybe he does not have much SEP currency and likely never had an instructor/examiner assessment of competence (AoC) in singles…for SEP, I was told he only does route exams in CAVOK days between Southend (ILS) & Cambridge (GPS), that never worked for me/school !
“It looks like the DGAC doesn’t want its examiners to be PIC – perhaps even not having to be authorised to fly the aircraft themselves.”
This is correct, although the instructor can also be the examiner, but for the initial skills test, not the instructor you learnt under.
Thanks for the answer.
Strange though..
Jujupilote wrote:
Strange though..
I am sure it’s only for instrument exams, as the IRE examiner does not need to be rated, current or assessed in the specific aircraft during the tests for IR, NIR, BIR, EIR…
I am sure for Class rating examiners (CRE) and Type rating examiners (TRE), the examiner needs to be able to act as PIC and access to aircraft controls, if he does it’s a fail in the CR/TR test !
For the MEP it is the same as an MEIR., an CRE or IRE plus an instructor they can be the same person. Or at least that is how it was when I did mine.
For the SEIR I had one person who was a IRE but he also happened to be an IRI and was probably insured by the ATO to instruct on their aircraft.
gallois wrote:
For the MEP it is the same as an MEIR
So when you did your MEP class rating initial test (remember you are not holding one yet), the examiner CRE/ME was sitting in backseat while another instructor CRI/ME was acting as safety in the right hand seat? after pass = YES did you log (VFR) MEP test as PIC or as PUT?