A pilot with a PPL and SEP class rating takes his/her CPL and ME/IR skill tests. Shouldn’t their new license should read CPL with SEP and MEP class ratings with the instrument rating only on the MEP?
I’ve heard from several instructors that the Swedish transport agency issues pilots in that scenario both SE AND ME instrument ratings on their license. I’ve sent heard from a fellow pilot that this happened exactly like this for him.
My reading online and in Part-FCL makes me believe you are only supposed to have the instrument rating on the aircraft class you took the instrument skill test in. I’ve explained that to those instructors and they’ve said that’s how they read the regulation as well but they don’t seem to concerned with the CAA issuing SE IR (I supposed it’s not their behind if something happens).
Is there some rule the transport agency might be apying that allows them to issue SE IR to a pilot who already has the SEP class rating?
Appendix 8 to Part FCL – cross crediting of IR
That’s what I suspected but it says cross credit is only granted when revalidating.
UK CAA does (or at least did until 4 years ago but I suppose nothing has changed) this, too.
France for example doesn’t.
Agree that there is no official basis for cross credit of an initial skills test, but seems sensible to me.
Badly worded regulation. National authorities doing what they have done historically. The only significant difference between a MEIR and a SEIR is the asymmetric part, as you do both on a MEIR there is no reson to require a pilot to take a second IR test on a single.
The only significant difference between a MEIR and a SEIR is the asymmetric part, as you do both on a MEIR there is no reson to require a pilot to take a second IR test on a single.
That and maybe some different focus on planning and weather decisions. In any case the Swedish CAA said that they will end the practice of issuing SE instrument with a ME instrument skill test (to holders of SEP).
Cross-crediting only works on revalidations, not on renewals. So, my SEPIR expired (one day only) and I did my MEPIR with as a result IR only valid or ME and not for SE. Had to do another profcheck SEPIR to get it right again.
So if one has SEIR and MEIR does their revalidation of their SEP in January 2019 then revalidates their MEIR Jan 2020 how does the cross credit work? The SEIR and MEIR are both valid until Jan 2021?
AeroPlus wrote:
Cross-crediting only works on revalidations, not on renewals. So, my SEPIR expired (one day only) and I did my MEPIR with as a result IR only valid or ME and not for SE. Had to do another profcheck SEPIR to get it right again.
@Emir: see the picture.
So, yes, there is a SEP and MEP class rating, but with the IR noted under remarks and restrictions. Then there is also the IR rating with SE, ME (and PBN) as remarks.
Whatever the naming used, the SE and ME as noted with IR is only valid fo flying aircraft within the SEP(land) and MEP(land) class rating.
If I want to revalidate my IR, I will have to do this on a MEP aircraft before (or latest) date: 30-4-2019. If I do the IR profcheck on a SEP aircraft, then the IR for the MEP class rating will expire.