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Questions about VFR Norway-Sweden Norway-Denmark

I have a few good friend around those countries and been wondering how complicated and expensive would it be to fly to Kristiansand are in south Norway and perhaps from there to Denmark and back to Finland some day (not this year, anyway). Between Finland and Sweden we can fly from one field to another without any customs and payments, but as Norway is a different beast, I’m not sure how to understand all the complicated AIP explanations. As you know, things can be expressed in easy-to-understand way or in no-way-to-understand form. Usually official sites use the latter form.

So if you do have real experience about crossing those borders with a small plane VFR, I’d like to get info about what is actually required – and around what degree are the costs – are they like Greece or closer to Estonia?? Of course some flying would be needed inside those countries as well, so the same question. I’m talking about a 770 kg plane (Ralley Club in this case). Here in Finland and Sweden it is so awfully cheap and easy to fly around that we don’t always realize that to be pretty exceptional.. Well, now somebody will comment “go to the US and you will see what easy and cheap actually mean” – I’ve been there. Sure it is not THAT easy and cheap here! But almost. Not referring to gas prices but landing fees, restricted areas, language limitations etc.

EFFO EFHV, Finland

Sweden, Finland and Norway are all in Schengen, so the issue with flying to/from Norway is customs.

I can say that as far as Swedish authorities are concerned, you may use any airport to fly to/from Norway, provided that

  • you are a private flight
  • you carry no cargo
  • you have no other goods that need to be declared and
  • you have filed your flight plan at least one hour in advance.
ESKC (Uppsala/Sundbro), Sweden

Flying-wise, Norway and Denmark are not that different to Finland and Sweden. Fuel prices are what they are. If you are used to Finnish fuel prices, then nothing will shock you (although I have head about 4.25€ per litre of 100LL in some place in Denmark recently). @Frans will know more.

But I guess you are talking more about fees. But there is little to be afraid of. As long as you stay away from Kastrup (Denmark) and Gardermoen (Norway), plus a few other private aerodromes like Anholt (Denmark) and Torp (Norway), you will be good. Most small (uncontrolled) aerodromes cost between zero and 20€ per landing. Norwegian state airports cost ~30 Euros for landing, and zero for parking.

Note that when going to Norway, you first have to land at an international aerodrome, but there are many small airfields that qualify. See here.

Danish airports (even the “bigger ones) are even cheaper and usually cost only 10-20€.

For the rest (transport, accomodation, food) it obviously all depends on what you want to do and spend.

It‘s a definite recommendation. The Danish are the most wonderful people in Europe and the Norwegian landscape is the best you could think of. Again, @Frans might be able to share a few amazing impressions from just last week.

And oh, there is some outstandingly good weather moving into Northern Europe towards and end of the week, so go for it sooner rather than later.

Last Edited by boscomantico at 04 Aug 20:06
Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

Norway: E-mail your ATS flight plan – at least 4 hours before crossing the border – to customs at [email protected]. Call them at (+47) 22860200 if unable, they are most accomodating.

Remember EET/ to the point where the border will be crossed.

If visiting Oslo, my local airport Kjeller (ENKJ) will welcome you. All kinds of fuel available at «reasonable» prices. AirBP card only.

PPR for most airports (and most of them are automatically approved) – including ENKJ – at

Last Edited by ErlendV at 05 Aug 08:42
FI/FE, ATPL TKI and aviation writer
ENKJ, ENRK, Norway

Flying into Norway, you need a file plan (which needs to be transmitted to the Norwegian customs, if using by ticking the option at the bottom or by sending them an email) and the destination airport needs to be an ‘international’ airport as mentioned in a previous post. It is also possible to use other airport but then you need send your flight plan to the custom (toll) at least 4 hours before the planed arrival time.
Note also that for all the airport managed by Avinor, you can buy a ‘weekly card’ which cost 766Nok (if MTOW is below 1500kg) and then you are good for one week in all Avinor airport except for Gardemoen.

I’ll just add that they have a very nice guide for flying into Norway with all the information you need here: vfr-guide-for-norway I highly recommend reading this before flying to Norway!

ENVA, Norway

I just came back from Norway and Denmark a few days ago. (Report on this forum including pictures will follow soon)

Flying in Norway and Denmark is very easy and straightforward. The only main “problem” which you need to consider is to have an AirBP or Shell Carnet-Card, as many fuel aerodromes in Norway don’t accept creditcards or debitcards anymore. Even at places where creditcards have been accepted recently. It takes some time to get an AirBP-card, so I suggest to request one straight away, as they are free of charge. Note that Kristiansand (ENCN) doesn’t offer Avgas anymore since the beginning of 2021. I suggest to refuel in Skien (ENSN). Sandefjord-Torp (ENTO) is also a good stopover to get fuel, and because it is an international airport, you don’t need 4 hrs PNR to customs, but just file your flight plan 1,5 hrs before ETA or ETD and give the customs office in Torp a short call. However, as stated by @boscomantico, Torp is an expensive airport if you park for longer than 2 hours. Also, Avinor weekly or yearly cards are not valid at Torp, as Torp is not an Avinor airport. The take-off charge is however almost the same as Avinor prices for single take-offs. I’ve been 4 times in Torp, and it was always very easy with great ATC.

To fly directly to smaller aerodromes, the 4 hrs PNR to customs workflow is already been explained. Note that you can directly send your flightplan to customs if you file your flightplan using the Avinor IPPC website. But sending a copy by E-Mail works as well. Norwegian customs are indeed very accommodating towards GA. Never had any customs checks during my visits by GA in Norway, only 2 times a covid vaccination check back in 2021 by the Norwegian police.

The fuel in Denmark is indeed very expensive at the moment. At the bigger airports, where Avgas is delivered by Dansk Fuels A/S (they accept creditcards), I’ve paid 2x 4,25€ per Liter! Prices at smaller GA aerodromes might be lower, but they have often limited opening hours for refueling (mostly only from Monday to Friday until 5 pm in the evening). Many Danish airports offer “self service” outside opening hours, but this counts only for landing, parking, take-off and landing lights, but not for refueling, so study those opening hours very carefully in the AIP. In Norway, Avgas was way cheaper, around 2,70€ in Torp and 2,80€ in Bergen. Still not “cheap”, but in hindsight of the current fuel prices worldwide, very acceptable.

Landing fees in Denmark are very low, except for the mentioned exceptions. You can also use most military aerodromes with 24 hrs PPR, for example Karup (EKKA) or Skrydstrup (EKSP). They offer Avgas and customs too.

Last but not least, Norway is (except for airport fees and Avgas prices) in general a very expensive place. Even my Swiss girlfriend, who joined me on my last trip, was shocked by the prices we paid at restaurants. It was even more expensive than the prices for food in Switzerland. At least hotel, car rental, taxi and public transportation are a bit cheaper in Norway, compared to average prices in Switzerland.

Last Edited by Frans at 05 Aug 13:27

I also just completed a trip to Denmark & Norway from Rotterdam, and it was no more difficult than flying anywhere else to be honest. I fueled in Herning (EKHG) in both directions, which was materially cheaper than everywhere else and accepted debit cards. From there I went to Stavanger/Sola (ENZV) because it’s a great base for seeing Priekestolen and the fjords. I paid zero fees for landing + three days parking, and the Sola Flyklubb helps to pay for your fuel if you don’t have a Shell card. A customs officer greeted me at the plane, and in <5 mins we were on our way. Departing Norway back to Herning I just filed my flight plan and departed. FWIW, I highly recommend Norway for its stunning landscapes—much more interesting than Denmark in this regard.

EHRD, Netherlands

Stavanger/Sola (ENZV) does have a take-off fee. If you don’t buy it online, Avinor will send an invoice (incl. admin fee) to the address of registration after 1-2 months. Parking is indeed free at all Avinor airports, up to 2730 kg MTOW. Norwegian airports almost never charge you on-site, either you pay online shortly before or after your visit, or you receive an invoice by mail. Even a lot small private aerodromes, using, offer online payments (if they charge at all).

I’ve looked at Herning (EKHG) for refueling as well, but they offer fuel only at “ADO opening hours”, which is just from Monday to Friday up to 4 pm local time. Because these times weren’t sufficient for my needs, I continued to Aalborg (EKYT), where you can get Avgas 24/7 using an unmanned payment terminal.

Last Edited by Frans at 05 Aug 15:53

Frans wrote:

I’ve looked at Herning (EKHG) for refueling as well, but they offer fuel only at “ADO opening hours”, which is just from Monday to Friday up to 4 pm local time.

That’s very strange. I fueled there twice using their self-serve pump. No human was involved, and in fact on the way back I arrived via an ILS to EKKA, then a quick scud run, so with such terrible weather the field was entirely devoid of people. In fact I refueled outside those hours both times (once on a Saturday and once on Monday evening).

EHRD, Netherlands
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