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Private flight across Europe with a foreign license

Hello every one.

My name is Hossein Halimi from Iran,

I have recently bought a Evektor Ultralight airplane from Czech Republic,

and i want to go Czech(with my iranian friend) and flight with my aircraft from czech to Iran with Temporary “OK” registration,

I have PPL and my friend has CPL, both issued by ICAO,

so i want to know is it possible for us to flight in europe with EU registration (OK) and “ICAO” license(foreign license) ???

if not,please show me a way to do this.i love to do this,flying across europe is like a dream for me.. .

Thank you all,

Hossein Halimi
OIII Mehrabad int.Airport

Hi Hossein,

In the microlight world the answer is that “it depends”. Microlights are explicitly excluded from the common european EASA regulations, but most countries in Europe have national (ie. their own) regulations allowing them to fly.

Also, the general ICAO rule is that an ICAO standard licence is only usable for aircraft on the registry of the issuing state (although those aircraft can be flown anywhere in the world). EASA has made this simpler within Europe, but if (for example) I go to South Africa, Australia or America, I need to have my licence validated. Some states (eg the UK) have regulations allowing con-commercial VFR flying on any ICAO licence.

At the very least, you would probably need to have your licence validated by the Czech Authorities, and then check with each country en-route what regulations are applicable.

What route are you planning to fly? There are probably people on here from most of the European countries you would fly over.

Good luck – it sounds like a great trip!

Last Edited by jwoolard at 19 Jan 16:13

Hi Dear Jwoolard,

thank you for advise but it confused me a lot.not your answer!your answer was cleared but my situation!
I have to go to Czech and doing my flight to Iran at March or April depend on manufactures delivery,and i dont know how i should do!is Czech authority issue short term validity easa license for me to flight there?if they issue me temporary license am i still need permission from other enroute country to issue me short term validity also ?or not?

we didnt choose exact route yet.i mentioned about 2 route but i dont know which of them is better.if you can help me in this field too i will be very thankful.

From : Brno Czech – Austria OR Slovakia – Hungary – Romania – Bulgaria – Turkey – Iran ///


From : Brno Czech – Austria – Italy – Greece – Turkey – Iran ///

i opened more than 15 article about VFR flight in Europe and i’m still reading europe flight rules.and i have to say I NEED Extreme Help from you pilots.

and thank you Jwoolard for your wish, i hope can do this flight,its important for me.i had another experience on GA aviation.i did flight from iran to azerbaijan Baku and return,that was a beautiful trip for return phase we passed Caspian sea (over sea flight) from baku to Rasht city in Iran for 190 NM..

Hossein Halimi
OIII Mehrabad int.Airport

I think the key is that the normal European regulations do not apply to microlights – each country has its own special regulations.

It is probably worth getting in touch with the Czech LAA (the organisation which supports microlight flying over there):

Is there an active light GA community in Iran? I would love to fly there some time…


Thank you Jwoolard. for helping me .i continue my research …

and about that website i’m really thankfull of you,it will help.

unfortunately we just approved to flight with Ultralight aircraft in Iran for GA purpose. but if you plan a trip to Iran with your own aircraft they give you permit to fly over or even landing.north of Iran covered by trees and jungle and Caspian Sea.north west cover by mountains to north middle of iran.Middle of Iran is covered by Desert. south of Iran is humid and end by Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman.its about one and half hour flight with single engine from Kish Island from iran to Dubai Emirates and Bahrain country and …
if you want to plan a trip to iran someday, i will be happy to help you,

Hossein Halimi
OIII Mehrabad int.Airport

first what king of EV-97 are you up to ? This is fundamental for the answer
if you get EV-97 as an ultralight it will get registration issued by Light Aircraft Association (LAA CZ) of the Czech Republic. The registration will have format OK-YURXX where Y is going to be a letter, XX is two digit number. This is not an ICAO compliant registration – this is a ultralight registration comparable to a German one and common in many other countries across Europe. So you need to have a corresponding pilot licence issued by czech LAA. As you have PPL it should not be a big deal but still theoretical exam and check ride will be required. I am sure check ride can be done at Evektor, one of their test pilot is an examiner for LAA CZ. The other issue is you need to apply for an overflight permission for each and every country you are going to fly (overlight or land). There is an agreement between Czech Republic and Germany about acceptance of ultralight aircraft registration/pilot licences without any paper work, but this is not on your way and I am not aware of any similar agreements on your routing.
if you are getting EV-97 as EASA restricted type certificated or VLA, it will get OK-YYY registration and your situation inside EU is much simpler – you can use your PPL and your friends´s CPL to fly – provided you have SEP.

Hope this helps, feel free to ask more.


Dear Michal,

Thank you so much about your message,it’s very helpful for me.
we are dealing to Evektor company for buying Eurostar SL+ ,
actually i love Evektor!my friend has a Evektor in Iran and i love to flight with it,so stable and reliable!
about explanation of Czech Ultralight registration i’m so thankful of you.
is it possible to get restriction type certificate ?if we get it we can fly with our own ICAO License with Czech temporary registration right????or still need to get short term czech license?
if i have to check on Evektor for getting LAA ppl, how many days it will take to issue me license after chekride?

thank you like an angel for me now.,

Hossein Halimi
OIII Mehrabad int.Airport


As others have pointed out, national regulations will be a hell to work through.
If your craft is registered as a microlight (in other words, an ULM) then you will have to find separate authorisation from each national authority. As far as I know, Ukraine will not allow foreign microlights at all (just like Switzerland), and Russia will require someone on board that speaks Russian (they will happily provide you with a co-pilot, at “moderate” daily rates…but they won’t promise she/he will speak any language except Russian).

So in practice you would be compelled to cross Turkey – not impossible, perhaps, but certainly not an every-day excursion.

On the other hand you could request an LSA-registration – if your country has already implemented LSA. I have not the slightest idea about the practical effects of the LSA status on your journey.

Given the administrative mess, and the likely difficulties of obtaining appropriate fuel, and certain rumours of turmoil including powder and gun along your route, I am afraid I must recommend shelving your dream flight till a later date, at least.

Another reason is that I don’t like the idea of such an extensive flight with a brand new aircraft – if some faulty or weak component was installed, or someone forgot to tighten the one all-important bolt, it might well show after 10 or 20 hours of flight, and where will you be? At an empty aerodrome in some forgotten desert, at best. At worst you are 10000 feet over the same desert, or 12000 feet over sea.

I really hate saying so, but I recommend you have the Evektor people ship the plane in parts in a 20" seagoing container – shipping rate should be less expensive than the fuel burn on your flight. You might have some fuss with customs and all that, but you would have the same when flying – multiplied by the number of frontiers you would cross.

I know this is not an answer to your question, please excuse me!
Should you insist on planning the flight, and if you will indeed be on the microlight register, then you can download a (recently updated) pdf with country-specific information and contact information at

Last Edited by at 21 Jan 20:06
EBZH Kiewit, Belgium

Hello Hossein,

I will second Jan’s thoughts. Try to get the plane shipped to Iran.
It’s not only the fuel, it’s also the landing and handling fees for the 5 or so stops that you will have to make in Romania, Bulgaria and especially Turkey.

You do have some very nice GATs in Iran, though…

That’s Tabriz, OITT.

Last Edited by boscomantico at 21 Jan 21:11
Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

Philipp, thanks for seconding me! My main concern for Hossein is not even cost (though that is an important aspect, he doesn’t mention it at all, must be a wealthy person!), but rather hassle and risk. If weather or mechanical trouble drive the plane into an unplanned aerodrome, and some local potentate sees an occasion to increase reputation and or fortune, they may get impounded for weeks or even months. Sure enough said potentate will think of a document that is required but is missing, or is not conform to whatever requirement they can dig up.

As for OITT: more surprising than the nice terminal I find the evidence of rain – one imagines dry sand and dry sun when thinking of those regions. But of course I have no real idea, I never travelled there and likely never will. Or did the local fire brigade give you a water welcome?

Last Edited by at 21 Jan 21:40
EBZH Kiewit, Belgium
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