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Practice IFR approaches in Oxford area

Hello gents,

I am about to receive my IR from the UK CAA and wanted to use it for flying some IFR details to keep current, keep learning, start logging more IFR time and have some fun as well.

If I were to depart from Turweston EGBT, where is a good place to practice approaches with a PA28? Close airfields with procedures are: Oxford EGTK, Cranfield EGTC and Gloucester EGBJ. Maybe also Cambridge EGSC.

Which of these (or any other) do you recommend in terms of availability, “friendliness” etc.? What is the cost for each approach if any and how do I pay for it? Does one always need to book the beacon slot in advance or can I show up spontaneously? Are they still allowing for practice approaches during the lockdown, Covid times?

Thanks for your guidance in advance! :)

EDDW, Germany

They all require slots and are likely to be under some limitations as per NOTAM. All have friendly professional ATC with only Oxford, for practical purposes offering radar (Cambridge sometimes). When you book they take your details-not sure cost but am guessing around £25.

They may monitor your equipment so if carrying out a procedural approach that is not RNP then you will need an NDB DME. (EGTC has the option of a timed procedural so you can fly that without an NDB)

A bit further north you can get approaches at East Midlands EGNX

Congratulations on the IR

Oxford (EGTK), United Kingdom

I’ve been told by many that (when the landings were available) Oxford EGTK was a good one if you actually land there – 0 fees if you buy fuel (which was cheap there), but that is for EGTK residents to confirm.

EGTR, United Kingdom

Alpha_Floor wrote:

If I were to depart from Turweston EGBT, where is a good place to practice approaches with a PA28? Close airfields with procedures are: Oxford EGTK, Cranfield EGTC and Gloucester EGBJ. Maybe also Cambridge EGSC.

Oxford & Glocs are friendly, you may even get a pop-up, Southend/Cardiff if you push further
Highly unlikely you would get anything out of Cranfield/Cambridge but you can try

RobertL18C wrote:

They may monitor your equipment so if carrying out a procedural approach that is not RNP then you will need an NDB DME. (EGTC has the option of a timed procedural so you can fly that without an NDB)

AFAIK, I can use GPS for NDB substitution as long as it’s not used in final segment track guidance or listed as mandatory in the plates
On procedural are you saying we can’t?

Last Edited by Ibra at 04 Feb 12:07
Paris/Essex, France/UK, United Kingdom

@lbra that would be great if you have a relevant ANO that says this. Without an ADF I believe they will only accept you for a RV ILS.

Anecdotally they have MOR aircraft in the hold without an ADF. Not sure how they treat the various Cirri based at these locations, unless they have an ADF.

Practically all these airports, except Oxford, have RNP approaches and ILS, so can be used. In the case of Oxford with radar.

Oxford (EGTK), United Kingdom

RobertL18C wrote:

that would be great if you have a relevant ANO that says this

I spoke too soon, but it’s on it’s way Q2/2022 now, not sure when it reaches UK ANO then ATC ears, hopefully we are back flying by then !

Last Edited by Ibra at 04 Feb 12:51
Paris/Essex, France/UK, United Kingdom

RobertL18C wrote:

Anecdotally they have MOR aircraft in the hold without an ADF.

Wow. How do they know a particular aeroplane doesn’t have an ADF?

Note also that the Oxford hold is outside controlled airspace, so one can fly round it all day long with or without the equipment, not even needing to talk to Oxford. Not saying it’s a good idea, but still….


arj1 wrote:

I’ve been told by many that (when the landings were available) Oxford EGTK was a good one if you actually land there – 0 fees if you buy fuel (which was cheap there), but that is for EGTK residents to confirm.

I don’t believe this is the case any more. It was for a relatively short period during the summer after lockdown 1 – the fuel was incredibly cheap (I filled the TB10 tanks twice at £1.20 per litre inc VAT) and landing was free if you bought fuel.

It is still competitively priced for what it is though.


I am based between Oxford and Gloucester. While technically they require you to book a slot I have almost never had a problem calling from the air and asking for an instrument approach. Both of them will be much more willing if you say you dont need to fly the missed approach procedure into the hold. When coming in Ask Oxford for radar vectors to the ILS 19, and with Gloucester I always ask for “self position” for the ILS 27, or if the RNAV, then I tell them I will be coming direct to whichever of the IAFs I want.

Also, when I ask if they can possibly fit me in I also say that I am happy to stay clear of the airport until it suits them.

The reality of the approach slot system is they have plenty of time to fit in other approaches between the prebooked ones, just be polite and show flexibility.

Sansepolcro LIQF and Bologna LIPE, Italy

You might also try Birmingham EGBB who are now allowing practice approaches either ILS or PBN. Very accommodating and I was able to book yesterday within the hour with ATC directly.

EGBW, United Kingdom
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