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Vans have made a big boo-boo: laser cut holes

RV8Bob wrote:

By continually saying things like this it highlights that you really don’t understand the complexity of the issue

Ok, explain the complexity of the issue please. While at it add some drama also, like that poetic little snippet of self pity by Graham further up. I mean seriously. The LCP issue is bad, but I mean come on, this is getting silly.

The elephant is the circulation

@LeSving wrote:

Ok, explain the complexity of the issue please. While at it add some drama also, like that poetic little snippet of self pity by Graham further up. I mean seriously. The LCP issue is bad, but I mean come on, this is getting silly.

We can start with the QBs. Not self pity because I don’t have one. These people paid a premium for Van’s to build their kit and now the customer has to significantly rebuild it, after also waiting years?

It is hilarious that you think Van’s is going to move to a QB only type model when that has clearly been their biggest problem. By the way you are the ONLY person that thinks that. Many people think Van’s is going to dump the QBs all together.

Last Edited by RV8Bob at 15 Nov 21:56
United States

LeSving wrote:

poetic little snippet of self pity by Graham further up.

Well, it was a quote from someone else. But anyway…..

Come here and say that – I believe that’s the expression. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you’re the kind of unpleasant character who says things online they wouldn’t say to someone’s face out of either (a) basic human decency, or (b) cowardice. Why don’t you pitch up at some fly-in and we’ll talk about this? Then once the bulk of the EuroGA community have seen what you’re like, you can pick your teeth up off the grass and fly your perfectly-built aircraft home.

The complexity is that you’ve never even seen the parts and know absolutely nothing about it.


An excellent and very neutral article by Ed Hicks in UK’s Flyer mag:

How did Van’s Aircraft get into this mess?

ain't the Destination, but the Journey
LSZF, Switzerland

@Graham. Don’t take it personally [ personal stuff removed ]

Just think about it, would you write a whole dissertations on an issue that you are not involved in? I kind of feel bad for him.

Last Edited by RV8Bob at 15 Nov 23:30
United States

RV8Bob wrote:

@LeSving has OCPD. They can’t help it. Extreme lack of empathy is a trait and they do live a lonely life.

Oh I’m not fussed by his empathy or lack thereof. Couldn’t give a toss and you can’t hurt my feelings. It’s his technical ignorance and arrogance (he has a PhD, don’t you know) that irritate me, plus that fact that he drags EuroGA into the dregs of the internet where you can be as much of a c**t as you like whilst hiding behind your keyboard.


@LeSving, though I deliberately choose to ignore your rhetorical dissertations in this very thread, I would be interested to know the status of your projects, as described in your thread What are you building/flying ?

I am building an RV-4 and a Onex

Of course no LCP issues on neither of them… though the Onex (or Waiex or Sonex) are fairly simple builds using pulled rivets, the -4 is quite an undertaking, in which I have some experience (search for HB-YVZ)
What is the status on those projects?

ain't the Destination, but the Journey
LSZF, Switzerland

This thread is getting way too personal guys, with some insults thrown around. Remember we’re discussing our expensive toys here, it’s not the end of the world. Some of you could tone it down a bit perhaps?

United Kingdom

IO390 wrote:

This thread is getting way too personal guys, with some insults thrown around. Remember we’re discussing our expensive toys here, it’s not the end of the world. Some of you could tone it down a bit perhaps?

Well said. I think we already understand everyone’s point of view on this. There isn’t much to be gained by people simply restating their view in a new way. It’s rare that people genuinely change their mind anyway in the absence of new information. So not much point in trying to make someone change their mind.

Best to tone it down and accept that different people have different opinions and while you might think that they are wrong (and they think you are wrong) neither of you will be able to convince the other.

EIKH Kilrush, Ireland

LeSving wrote:

No, they just decreased the overall life of the wing spar by 20-30 %.

Sure, but does that matter given that the spar was designed to meet aircraft operational requirements while accounting for the anodic strength reduction?

LeSving wrote:

If the laser cutting were done after Vans specs, none of this would have happened. You get the drift?

IMHO, that drift is a gigantic “IF” teetering perilously on the tip of a mountain of speculation. In my collection of 317, I have LCPs whose holes were cut to Van’s specs (“pretzel-like” cuts), and those holes, just like their non-spec counterparts, develop cracks visible to the naked eye when dimpled. It seems to me like Van’s tried to dodge some accountability by suggesting the issue stemmed from a vendor’s mistake.

You still haven’t answered my question. Would you choose set A or set B?

1C5, United States
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