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I am currently doing the ME class rating. After I am done with the ME class rating I will do the ME/IR rating. This is the setup of the school that I attend. So far I only have PPL SEP.

However, one thing that is not entire clear to me is if I will be allowed to fly SE/IR after I have acquired the ME/IR rating. Does anybody here know? Any references to regulation?


I think, but could be wrong, in EASA-land they’re two entirely separate ratings with no credit for either, meaning you have to keep current on both. In FAA they’re also that, but I can revalidate either SEP or MEP for my biannual and they count for both.

Keeping current is one thing.

My question is more if I acquire the SE/IR rating as well after I have passed a check-ride for a ME/IR.

Last Edited by Dimme at 14 May 14:39

In EASA land the MEP/IR gives you SEP/IR privileges, assuming your SEP class rating is valid, but obviously not vice versa.

Oxford (EGTK), United Kingdom

Do they explicitly print SE/IR in the license or is it a regulation I need to be able to show to somebody understandably unknowledgeable during a ramp check?


Mine says IR-SP-ME class/SE

Which means Single Pilot Multi Engine/Single Engine.

Then each revalidation just says ME, but, as RobertL says, that grants SE privileges.

To revalidate MEP you must do it on an MEP.

EGKB Biggin Hill



Dimme wrote:

My question is more if I acquire the SE/IR rating as well after I have passed a check-ride for a ME/IR.

Some people say it does. I believe @bookworm does a gallic shrug as he is not overly impressed with that part of the regulations

Frankly, reading Part-FCL it does not say explicitly, nor implicitly. If someone thinks different, I would be genuinely interested in what the basis is. NAA examiner guidance material would also be of interest. So I am wondering whether mileage varies from one NAA to the next.

For revalidation you do get cross-credit according to the table in appendix 8 (? from memory). So if you revalidate in SP-ME, and you have a SEP, you also get credit for SE.

Last Edited by Aviathor at 14 May 16:17

CAA Standards Document 14 Appendix 3 (flow diagram) and the UK FEH state the cross credits and that it is only applicable on a revalidation and not renewal.

I’m intrigued by @Timothy comment that “each revalidation just says ME” as I believe the Standards Document and indeed my licence have always shown revalidation as IR-SPA-ME Class/SE

Now retired from forums best wishes

Balliol wrote:

I’m intrigued by @Timothy comment that “each revalidation just says ME” as I believe the Standards Document and indeed my licence have always shown revalidation as IR-SPA-ME Class/SE


Well, my revalidations are done by a very highly qualified and regarded IRE, so I’ll ask him when I see him.

EGKB Biggin Hill
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