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Cost to overhaul IO-360-C1C6

10 Posts

Does anyone know what current range is to replace/overhaul in a reputable shop in Europe? Does it make sense to ship outside and back?
Also, by any chance from the German members, have you heard of Skytec Airservice GmbH? Looking to find feedback on work quality at that place.

LPPM / LFBL, Portugal

Current range is difficult since I (we) don’t know what you mean by replace/overhaul, and even then, the final price will be highly dependent on the actual condition of the engine and parts reusability. As an example, the most expensive part of that engine is the crankshaft. Well, buying a new one will be pushing North of 7K$…
Different types of overhauls, limits.
And finally the rate of exchange, shipping prices, etc. And let’s not forget possible warranty claims…

Generally speaking, and only for myself, if I had my O-360 going for overhaul it’d definitely stay in Europe. Probably with a certain Swiss, or Belgian company… but I’m sure others will chime in

Original question, 20K$ upwards…

ain't the Destination, but the Journey
LSZF, Switzerland

Thanks Dan !
I guess what I’m asking is a “safe” number to budget for as I am looking at a plane with an engine near TBO

LPPM / LFBL, Portugal

Wingover wrote:

I guess what I’m asking is a “safe” number to budget for as I am looking at a plane with an engine near TBO

It’s not really the TBO that matters, it’s the condition of the engine. In private operation under EASA, TBO is merely a recommendation. Depending on how they were operated, some engines never make it to TBO and some exceed it by 50% or even more. Get oil analysis data if available, and have a mechanic inspect the engine.

LKBU (near Prague), Czech Republic

If you really do want a “safe” estimate, budget €40K with accessories included. It can be done for less (or even a lot less) but I sense you’re looking for a bargaining chip, not a way to save money.

Last Edited by Silvaire at 01 Sep 04:51

In 2021 @Jujupilote shared a quotation with me for the same engine, which was €25k with another €2.8k in recommended extras (both plus Belgian VAT). Hope this is ok to post.

EGHO-LFQF-KCLW, United Kingdom


IME, the overhaul quotes aren’t crazy but if you add

  • your mechanic’s time (removal, reinstall, ground run etc…)
  • all the things you would do because the engine is off (replace hoses & rubber engine mounts, clean radiators, propeller IRAN, starter and alternator inspection/overhaul, NDT the engine support). your imagination is the limit

Then it really gets in the stratosphere.

For example, one of my former clubs primed the firewall at every engine overhaul (quite frequent for a club). The planes slept outside.

Last Edited by Jujupilote at 01 Sep 09:24
LFOU, France

Shipping to Europe is hardly less than shipping to the US, and there are far more reputable shops over there to choose from. Europe is a minefield.

This may be of interest.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Thanks everyone for the help. I think I have a rough idea now.

LPPM / LFBL, Portugal

Around here, most engines get sent to ScanAviation for overhaul. Ours was a O-320, but it’s been running like clockwork.
But it’s right around the block for us, shipping is negligible.

ESMK, Sweden
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