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CRM reads

Daniel Kahnemann recently passed on, and that prompted me to put Thinking fast and slow on the re read list. I believe he and Amos Tversky were involved in the early design of multi crew CRM courses.

This KLM research study kindly published by EASA is also worthwhile

The other book which tends to be mentioned in CRM is The Chimp Paradox by Prof Steve Peters

Oxford (EGTK), United Kingdom

Thank you very much! Great reading.

LO__, Austria

Haha Robert, Kahneman’s book is on my re-reading list as well, and I can recommend it to all of you here. It’s nice to lose a bit of memory and being able to enjoy things anew, although I do recall the very clear example of the Farmer and the Librarian in that book. Reagan once said when he was suffering of the beginnings of dementia: “it’s great getting old, you get to know so many new people”.

Son Alberti LEJF, Son Bonet LESB, Mallorca, Spain
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