Yes doing all that.
I never found how to bring back the UK MO models on the PC version. They just vanished. On the phone they work ok.
I think they have simply cocked up their fancy UI with some fancy “framework”. For example I see the UKV model on my 1920×1080 win10 laptop OK, but cannot get the altitude slider to appear (to get wind at various altitudes). They probably just don’t test on a PC anymore… not fashionable
Even on EuroGA, where we undisputably have a high IQ user base, mobile device usage is around 50% and the rest is PCs and laptops. The use of the latter scales up with greater user IQ – fairly obviously because of the richer UI and resulting much higher productivity that can be delivered. So should not be optimising the phone UI while ignoring the PC UI.
You have to click on “altitude” to get the slider. On my setup at least it is by default the bottom button at the top right of the main screen (i.e. not the sidebar with all the options on it).
I found it now… on the laptop but not yet on the PC
Curiously, my PC at work does show the UKV model
I reckon it is a subtle auto sizing in the style sheet…