I purchased the Bose A30 with the dual GA plug, so that I can use it both when flying in a SEP as well as in the jet. It’s working fine in both environments but I have to change the batteries every 2-3 days when flying in the jet (usually about 2 days if I use rechargeable ones).
As an alternative, I was wondering if purchasing a second cable with the 5-pin XLR plug and changing the whole cable when I go flying with different planes would be a good option.
The change itself is very easy on the A30 (easier than on the A20, no tools required) but I was wondering what the consequences on the connector would be. I would need to change the cable about 3-4 times a month on average or in the range of 30-50 times a year.
Does anyone have any experience with doing similar swaps and if the connectors can handle them well?
I have a 9 years old A20. In the PA28/C172 I fly I get 40-45 hours of autonomy with Bluetooth off, and 12-15h with Bluetooth on (typically having some music in the background on very long legs). Battery exchange is a once or twice a year thing.
Vladimir wrote:
I have to change the batteries every 2-3 days when flying in the jet
That is really odd. Have you inquired to Bose about the delirious battery consumption?
Arne wrote:
That is really odd. Have you inquired to Bose about the delirious battery consumption?
I fly about 8-10 hours a day, so two days for me is about the same as your 12-15 hours with Bluetooth on. But since I don’t use Bluetooth on those flights, I can turn it off, that is a good point.
I wouldn’t use rechargeable batteries personally. Using Duracell batteries I get 40 hours with BT on an A30
Would some form of an adapter be a better idea?
I know this one is 5 pin to GA, but that coupled with a 5 pin lead would avoid the potential damage to the headset with constantly changing and probably leave you only needing to use the adapter on your GA flights, which I assume are less frequent.
dublinpilot wrote:
Would some form of an adapter be a better idea?
The problem is the power supply: The GA cable does not accept power from the airplane, so you need batteries. The 5-pin XLR takes power from the airplane and does not need batteries (except as backup). An adapter would not work in this case as it will not be able to provide the power and I can already use the headset (we have the GA connectors as well), but on batteries.
I am never using the ANR in the Jet, it really cuts from cabin noise that could be worth earing sometimes…
I found rechargeable batteries to last only a fraction of the ‘normal’ ones in my Boses. Could that be the issue?
If you would buy the xlr plugs on the headset and a adapter, you can use the aircrafts power in the jet and the (backup) battery when you need the GA plugs.
I don’t think the connectors at the headset side are build for a lot of usage.
I have the proflight and there you can also easygoing change the cable or the side the cable attaches.
But i never changed anything even if im constantly changing seats. (Fo, cruise relief captain, general aviation, and hopefully soon instructor)
172driver wrote:
I found rechargeable batteries to last only a fraction of the ‘normal’ ones in my Boses. Could that be the issue?
You need to try good rechargeable ones. I am using eneloop since years, still making 2000mah. alkaline makes 1700 to 2900, I suppose duracell or other good one to be in the 2800 ballpark. 5x more expensive but I recharged it more than 50 time already,