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Portugal imposes carbon tax on GA

None of these taxes have anything to do with paying for CO2 emissions. If it was genuinely about that, given that the carbon content of the fuel is fixed, it would simply be added to the fuel cost. All these are primarily yet another way for the state to raise revenue in a way thay the population finds acceptable, because “something needs to be done” or “somebody else (ther rich / not I)” have to pay it, preferably both.

The simple truth of environmental taxes is that, to be effective, they have to hit a huge number of people so hard that they significantly change their behaviour, and none of them do that. If they did, the party introducing them would not get reelected.

Very few taxes are that harsh, taxes on tobacco products, perhaps, come closest.

Biggin Hill

All these are primarily yet another way for the state to raise revenue in a way thay the population finds acceptable

You might just be right there

I’m rather more concerned with the impact of the intelligent masses being unable to control and direct government behavior than the opposite.

Last Edited by Silvaire at 03 Aug 14:14

Anybody in Portugal, or elsewhere for that matter, knows where and how to pay this carbon tax in Portugal, if one was obliged to so? Webpage, Bank transfer, how? Out of curiosity I tried to find some ANAC (Portugal caa) link – but unable to locate.

Socata Rallye MS.893E

Very good idea on being pro-active and stirring the pot @Yeager

For a start you could wire me some dough, say a couple of € grands to start with, I’m more than happy to share my bank details via User-to-user Message. I will then, for a small fee direct the tax to the appropriate authority… maybe…

ain't the Destination, but the Journey
LSZF, Switzerland

Dan wrote:

Dan09-Oct-23 18:2730
Very good idea on being pro-active and stirring the pot @Yeager

For a start you could wire me some dough, say a couple of € grands to start with, I’m more than happy to share my bank details via User-to-user Message. I will then, for a small fee direct the tax to the appropriate authority… maybe…

How about you just share them here? If you´re nice, I´ll share my Youporn login details with you! ;-)

Last Edited by Yeager at 09 Oct 18:32
Socata Rallye MS.893E

Yeager wrote:

Yeager09-Oct-23 18:3231
Dan wrote:
Dan09-Oct-23 18:2730
Very good idea on being pro-active and stirring the pot @Yeager
For a start you could wire me some dough, say a couple of € grands to start with, I’m more than happy to share my bank details via User-to-user Message. I will then, for a small fee direct the tax to the appropriate authority… maybe…

How about you just share them here? If you´re nice, I´ll share my Youporn login details with you! ;-)

Second thoughts – then you´ll be able to see my history.. So, no, it will have to be out of usefulness! ;-)

Socata Rallye MS.893E

Hi there

Any news on this tax? Did anyone know about a pilot ever paid?
Where to pay? Who is issuing the bill?
So many questions. Any answers?



rundflieger wrote:

rundflieger01-Jan-24 10:0033
Hi there

Any news on this tax? Did anyone know about a pilot ever paid?
Where to pay? Who is issuing the bill?
So many questions. Any answers?


I haven´t seen any (could be). No.
Don´t know. Don´t know.
As per above.

I´ve answered the best I could – believe it or not.

Socata Rallye MS.893E

Thank Yeager
Do you actually fly in Portugal?


Yes, also in Portugal!

Socata Rallye MS.893E
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