A few weeks ago I ordered Rant XL and I find it a very useful tool for training IFR procedures.
Could someone point me to some more complex approaches? The ones I've done so far on the Sim all follow (more or less) the same flow. There must be some airports located in a "non-standard" environment where one must fly an "interesting" approach?
Innsbruck, Chambery, Lugano, Bolzano, Cannes, Albenga, Klagenfurt (try the standard non-precision approaches - I give those to advanced students in the procedures trainer), Bergamo (DME-Arcs) ... in gerneral every airport inside a valley or close to mountains is "interesting". Most often not the approach itself, but the missed approach and the circle-to-land. Some of the airports listed above need special training and/or permissions to fly to - so read the Jeppesen plates carefully before actually going there.
Regards max
Vagar (EKVG) LOC/DME to 12
One probably better done in IMC so you can't see the walls of rock.
Looking back up the final approach course (before runway lengthened)
Innsbruck looks fun
Bilbao is a nice place when you are on top and see the mountains around you. Then you decent into IMC. Lovely experience
Good afternoon, actually flying to Innsbruck the nicest part is the 20 minutes before, because you fly parallel to walls of mountains and just straight onto the airfield. Unfortunatly I don't know how to attach fotos, because a nice approach is also to Portoroz when your approach is just over some rugged and steep ridges. regards detlev
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Worth mentioning that some/most of these "interesting" approaches need special pilot qualifications. They can range from doing a "training session" on the airport's website, to formal pilot training. Lugano is one example where the pilot "training" requirement varies according to the actual weather. I spent hours on their website and it kept crashing, and in the end I gave up on an "IFR" landing and flew to Locarno instead (which had to be a VFR approach)
This is the Portoroz final which I think you refer to. One flies over a hill, which is why it looks steep
Locarno is visible in the lower left here:
Thanks Peter, yes, exactly that was a fine approach. We actually had an emergency landing there as the display light showed our front wheel wasn't extracted, so I was highly concentrated when to turn off the engine at the right moment. Very fine people there regards detlev