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Strange video on YT

I’d never seen this guy before. All a bit hammed-up to the nth degree.

I watched a video I thought was interesting which is just him doing a piece to camera about his third (third!) airspace infringment.

The CAA made him do some re-training, some ground school and 3hrs dual. It took forever to get it done because the school the CAA had lined up eventually decided they wanted nothing to do with him because of his YouTube channel. They then revealed that other schools had also declined. Eventually it seems they used a CAA staff examiner to get it done.


Graham wrote:

I’d never seen this guy before. All a bit hammed-up to the nth degree.

Looks he is one the them you want to compliment out if the door. I followed some of his videos and did not comment, because it was too way off the ordinary being part of mankind – very lengthy outspoken on totally unimportant thingies, a bit off view on reality and little self reflection = not my type-o’-friend.

Last Edited by MichaLSA at 05 Jul 17:40

Too much drama and feeling in these videos that it’s hard to learn or comment anything useful, the content is similar to TNFlyGirl

If I was “near death” or “serious emergency” (like the YT titles), the last thing I would do is talk to the camera

Last Edited by Ibra at 05 Jul 18:32
Paris/Essex, France/UK, United Kingdom

I’ve seen this guy getting escorted into a Norwegian covid quarantine hotel, as he flew all the way from UK to Norway without a recognized vaccine back in 2021. Very strange story. It was a bit funny, as I landed a few months later on exact the same airport (ENTO), and didn’t had any issue with my European Covid certificate.

Last Edited by Frans at 05 Jul 22:54

geetaps wrote:

least of all because at least one person suggested that a poster may be liable in court for libel

How is that going to work? A YT video is not reality. It’s simply a video, edited and directed to create clicks.

The elephant is the circulation

didn’t had any issue with my European Covid certificate.

He also had problems with ATC when overflying Belgium and Netherlands (no ModeS). Most of his flights are exciting !

He has an IRR (UK instrument rating), he should know one or two things about ModeS requirement for IFR

Last Edited by Ibra at 06 Jul 08:04
Paris/Essex, France/UK, United Kingdom

Sounds about the average youtube “DANGEROUS OCCURENCE – I COULD HAVE LOST MY FOOT!” which turns out to be a stubbed toe after watching the video. And you don’t even know if he accidentally stubbs his toe or took the hammer to it, just to generate… I don’t know adoration? Click revenue?
This kind of exhibitionism is beyond me. I sure like flying videos, also educational flying videos, but anything unneccessary, overly dramatic is doing a disservice. Flying serious, flying is dangerous.
They just play on the cheap voyeurism instincts, true to the adage that there is no bad publicity.

Last Edited by Inkognito at 06 Jul 08:13
EDBW, Germany

Inkognito wrote:

This kind of exhibitionism is beyond me.

You mean behavior like TNFlygirl ? Let’s keep fingers crossed no further clickbaiter gets a license ?


Media is not reality and reality is not media.

This is nothing to do with flying.

For anyone that thinks these sort of videos are in some way inspiring and instructive, good luck with that.

If only I’d known that….
EG.., United Kingdom

MichaLSA wrote:

You mean behavior like TNFlygirl ?

Well, as tragic as her demise is to her family, I feel her death points to a real issue, at least: Apparently some unsafe pilots, who got signed off, at some point, in the vague hope they will improve with a bit of experience, simply do not.

Clickbaiters won’t go away, it’s cheap and easy as far as advertising goes – so far that (questionable) newspaper headlines emulate that crap. Their target group has the attention span of an excited dog…

Last Edited by Inkognito at 06 Jul 10:34
EDBW, Germany
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