I don’t really get what the problem is / was. Any thoughts on that?
Thomas_R wrote:
I don’t really get what the problem is / was. Any thoughts on that?
It would help to see the short description here as well – otherwise the majority won’t even look until someone writes it…
I haven’t watched this one, l but ALL videos by this guy are more or less strange….
If you go beyond the “yuk” factor coming from the exhibitionism in this video (which might be a reflexion of my age more than anything, as it seems everyone does it), one question came to mind:
How much of his brain was taken up by the filming while the emergency was in progress ? How much of his brain was thinking “if I continue, it will be an interesting video” ? I admit I haven’t watched the full 38’ as I skipped many bits so I don’t know if he makes that point himself
Description: Pilot flies Earls Colne to Dunkeswell, but before departure notes Dunkeswell is IMC. Gets close to Dunkeswell and predictably encounters marginal conditions. “Declares emergency” and lands at a military base. All whilst filming. He is instrument rated, but rusty and had decided he would not fly IFR leaving himself allegedly no option but to land on the base. There was a fully serviceable airport with ILS close by.
Pilot has a long series of videos showing poor judgement and publishes them to “educate others”.
Lots of opinions/discussion on the UK facebook group split down the middle, ranging from “glad you survived and are teaching us” through to “this guy is so repeatedly negligent he should not be flying” and “this scenario was engineered for the clicks/views”. Of course, this is just telling you the opinions that are being expressed and I do not express any view on their truthfulness, least of all because at least one person suggested that a poster may be liable in court for libel.
Thank you geetaps for saving 38 minutes of my life.
Hopefully not insured by the same company as me.
Great first post.
Most of YT is clickbait.
Is the dangling compass meant to be like a weather forecating machine ? … may be there will be another VT video on just that.