There is a slight slackening in this topic ! Fortunately Spring is coming, so we’ll soon see a lot more flying stories.
For me, a Pontoise → Chartres → Dreux → Pontoise flight (a small mock exam, lacking only manoeuvering). I’m now officially ready to take the test :)
Chartres is especially pretty since you really end up right in front of the cathedral, which rises up from the city just 1.5km from the field. The rest of the trip was quite pretty too with some low SCT CU and a bit of slaloming in-between.
I had a first in flight in DA40. Interesting aircraft.
It was a weekend of meetings, and lunches🙂
Long and as usual noisy debate on the future of the club fleet. Change of club president and new committee.
At one of the lunches one of the directors of Elixir aircraft arrived and has agreed to arrange a tour of the production line which is apparently very busy.
Also agreed with the mayor’s representative that we can erect a SafeSky antenna at the airfield at a cost of about €650. That should help with traffic awareness in the area especially in August when we host the French gliding championships.
A couple of glasses of wine at each lunch so no flying. Simply, no will power.😄
I planed to pick up my plane from the service but it was postponed for today because of very low clouds over the airport and inability for mechanics to perform the test flight.
CAA came and performed the airworthiness review on my Savannah. Quite painless process, only 2 findings – minor correction to maintenance program and one safety wire missing..
I’ve been buzzing around in the G650 (EASA certified aircraft, with both DME, ADF and 4+ seats ;-) ) LPKT-LIML-LSZH(Zupposed Zu be LSZC but low ceilings changed the clients mind)-EPKT-EGLF-EPKT. ALL IFR and f@cking boring. GAT (Jet Aviation) Zurich pissed off posh clown clients! C la vie (spoiled brats).
ivark 20-Mar-24 12:58 05
CAA came and performed the airworthiness review on my Savannah. Quite painless process, only 2 findings – minor correction to maintenance program and one safety wire missing.
@ivark Sounds easy enough. I hope you and your family are doing well. Take care.
Went to Les Sables LFOO :
Fortunately, life is full of pleasant surprises. By coincidence, met a guy who has a private field 15 km from my home. He built himself a nice little home there. Well, maybe not @Buckerfan style, but quite charming, swimming pool and all. Almost nobody in the aviation community knows him, funnily enough. He has a ULM and a R22 in his hangar.
It’s legal to go there with owner permission, so of course the next day I was the first customer. Reasonably good handling I should say. He told me to head for the smoke of the BBQ for parking. I love the Spanish style of aviation..
Appch is slightly challenging. He briefed as follows: Line up very close to the right of this high-voltage line, and get below its height. Point to that big pigsty and make sure you start a 60 degrees right turn before that building. You need to continue your turn and level the roll just over the threshhold, it’s all a little tight.
400 m strip, so absolutely fine, unless it would be 2 POB, full fuel, mid summer and no wind..
BBQ was good too! Wine on the table, but I don’t mix flying and any alcohol, and have (even if slightly) more willpower than @gallois
I can somehow picture a certain RV flying in there some day.
In my right turn towards the aiming point:
Hopefully this works:
Hmm, just started using Vimeo and need to learn how to embed a video properly I guess
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