I often see this kind of stuff
LFAT 150500Z 1506/1515 34010KT 9999 BKN020
Well, I am assuming the METAR is right but that may be automated too
Reportedly France is using software for TAFs.
I am not aware of automated forecast TAF, how does that work? my impression it’s issued by MET qualified person for places like LeTouquet or Rouen…if there is no MET qualified person around, all you get is an AUTO METAR, see Calais for example
Actual AUTO METAR, there are plenty that are automated: StBrieuc, Lanion…worth mentioning that ATIS is available by phone, which is more accurate than METAR for short flights
When TWR are not around or no ATIS broadcasting, the approach ATC will have access to live raw STAP feeds, you can ask Lille to give you last weather observation from sensors even for places like Ouessant with no METAR, no ATIS, no AFIS
Reportedly France is using software for TAFs
Even if it’s true, you still need someone to run .exe command
Q) LFFF/FMLT/IV/BO/A/000/999/4923N00111E
B) 2301161700 C) 2301211700
D) 16 1700-0500, 20 21 0500-1700
Peter wrote:
I often see this kind of stuffLFAT 150700Z AUTO VRB02KT CAVOK 03/02 Q1017 NOSIG
LFAT 150500Z 1506/1515 34010KT 9999 BKN020Well, I am assuming the METAR is right but that may be automated too
Reportedly France is using software for TAFs.
The TAF may very well have been correct at the time of issue, which was two hours before the observation. If the weather develops differently in the way the METAR suggests, there is no requirement to issue an amended TAF. The amendment criteria för TAFs ignore what’s happening above 1500 ft.
The next TAF indeed says CAVOK:
LFAT 150800Z 1509/1518 14007KT CAVOK BECMG 1510/1512 20010KT
The amendment criteria för TAFs ignore what’s happening above 1500 ft
Interesting, I have not looked in details into those weather thresholds/buckets when it comes to updates, same for visibility dropping from 100km to 5000, this gets ignored…I always assuming things gets updated regularely in TAF with new observations
How does those TAF buckets work for granular operational/aerodrome minima?
One can fly private IFR without METAR/TAF by simply using data from Windy website, however, if one has published TAF they have to comply with it during planning (add extra litres of fuel to make good alternate even if destination forcast is c***p)
Who has to comply?
Interesting criteria for amendment…
The pilot has to comply, if destination TAF < MIN you need two alternates even when TAF is c**p (not been amended)
Ibra wrote:
2000ft ceiling is now required for planning non-IFP airport as alternate but you know that an amended TAF will ignore anything above 1500ft
An amended TAF, yes. But not the initially issued TAF. In any case, if the airport is non-IFP, it is unlikely that it has a TAF to begin with.
The pilot has to comply, if destination TAF < MIN you need two alternates even when TAF is c**p (not been amended)
Where do you find that rule?
Where do you find that rule?
My bad, brain farted and I got CAT & NCO mixed up
In any case, if the airport is non-IFP, it is unlikely that it has a TAF to begin with.
Even in NCO, don’t you have to select at least one airport (destination or alternate) with TAF available and TAF > MIN? say you are going IFR to some strip (no TAF) with alternate being another strip (no TAF), Windy weather looks ok, can you dispatch? I was taught you still need to make 3rd airport with TAF and TAF > MIN
Ibra wrote:
Even in NCO, don’t you have to select at least one airport (destination or alternate) with TAF available and TAF > MIN? say you are going IFR to some strip (no TAF) with alternate being another strip (no TAF), Windy weather looks ok, can you dispatch?
Part-NCO only talks about “current meteorological information” – no mention of TAFs specifically. (Except that there is an AMC to NCO.OP.160 on how change groups in TAFs affect planning in case you do use TAFs.)
I was taught you still need to make 3rd airport with TAF and TAF > MIN
That makes sense and may well be the rule for part-CAT. For part-NCO I can’t find any requirement on having more than one alternate (given that the WX for the one alternate is forecast to be good enough).
Commercial is a totally different thing.
In any case, if the airport is non-IFP, it is unlikely that it has a TAF to begin with
Is the above really right? I don’t think so.
I would not expect to see a TAF unless there is a METAR, for any airport.
Re French TAFs being software generated, that came out years ago and there were various complaints about it (from French pilots, so that’s allowed ).