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Can an FI without CPL theory do an SEP class rating revalidation of a full PPL holder?

I know such an FI cannot train ab initio towards anything other than the LAPL. Maybe in the UK he can train towards the UK NPPL.

But surely he can do a full PPL revalidation, because even a CRI can do that, and a CRI does not need CPL theory.

I ask because this text appeared on some obscure EASA forum which has almost nobody on it but from which I still get notifications

FI LAPL only Is it correct to say that the privileges of the FI-LAPL
only, are limited to: teaching for the LAPL licence. No additional
ratings can be taught nor renewed. No bi-annual training flight other
that for LAPL (no PPL bi annual training flight). The FI LAPL only

Maybe @mattL knows.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

I guess you are talking about unrestricted FI without CPL doing PPL revalidation outside ATO or DTO? it will be interesting to know the answer, it does not sound very trivial

For restricted FI(R), they can’t do revalidations for PPL holders outside ATO or DTO supervision (most people bypass this by adding few hours of training and exam to their FI course to get standalone CRI on top)

Last Edited by Ibra at 23 Jan 12:40
Paris/Essex, France/UK, United Kingdom

My understanding is only if the instructor has FCL.945 privileges stated on their license under the instructor section.

That’s right for a CRI but a CRI doesn’t need CPL theory to get FCL945 – correct?

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Peter wrote:

That’s right for a CRI but a CRI doesn’t need CPL theory to get FCL945 – correct?

That’s correct

A ‘LAPL FI’ can only train for the LAPL as the LAPL doesn’t contain ratings (only privileges) a LAPL FI can’t therefore train towards the SEP rating. Neither can they do the one hour dual towards an SEP rating. And as the LAPL doesn’t have ratings they are not issued with 945 privileges so can’t sign rating pages.

A significant number of ‘LAPL FI’ get a CRI rating issued at the same time the FI rating is issued and that gives then 945 privileges and they can do the one hour dual and training towards an SEP rating in exactly the same manner as a CRI can.

The hours requirement for a CRI is slightly more stringent being 300 hours TT compared to 200 hours for the FI course. So they are a few LAPL FI’s out there who don’t have a CRI rating.

A LAPL FI can teach for every aspect of the NPPL and if they have R examiner privileges (Free) then they can sign all ratings on national PPL and NPPLs.

Other EASA countries are different and a LAPL FI can teach any licence holder for an SEP rating in some countries.

Last Edited by Bathman at 24 Jan 10:23

Let me get this right.

An FI who has no CPL theory cannot revalidate the SEP class rating on a PPL, but a CRI with FCL945 (but no FI) can.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

In the UK that is correct

In the UK that is correct

It depends on each NAA? and if they issue FCL.945 to FI & CRI? UK give FCL.945 to CRI but does not issue these for FI who are restricted to LAPL

Other NAA may issue FCL.945 to FI without CPL

If you dig into “FI without CPL TK” you will find there is lot to it than revalidation of PPL/SEP, how about converting LAPL(TMG) to PPL(SEP)? adding Night Rating to LAPL or PPL pilot? adding Aeros Rating to LAPL or PPL pilot? doing variantes TW, RG, VP signoff for pilote with PPL(SEP)? club checkout for pilote with PPL(SEP)?

Let’s put aiside teaching PPL holder glider towing by CRI(RestricedToTwoing) versus FI

What about Mountain Rating?

I don’t have all the answers but these should keep people busy in next DGAC/CAA seminar

Last Edited by Ibra at 26 Jan 21:26
Paris/Essex, France/UK, United Kingdom

An FI who has no CPL theory cannot revalidate the SEP class rating on a PPL, but a CRI with FCL945 (but no FI) can

I also believe this to be correct.

On my FIC course, anyone who took the FI Assessment of Competence was simultaneously assessed for a CRI rating if they didn’t have one already. It ensured that the candidate would be more useful and can be given FCL.945 privileges.

I don’t believe the examiner charged extra but can’t recall if the CAA required an extra fee.

I would strongly recommend any upcoming FI to do this if they haven’t passed the theory exams.

Last Edited by DavidC at 27 Jan 00:16
FlyerDavidUK, PPL & IR Instructor
EGBJ, United Kingdom
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