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1960 Cessna 210

Does anyone here have experience with the operation of a legacy two ten? Or performance tables / a poh somewhere? I have found many information on the aircraft on the net, but only of younger specimen.

Aufwind GmbH
EKPB, Germany

Having a look at her?

Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

Seems that this book is the reference in terms of owning a C210. I read somewhere that the early ones were maintenance nightmare and better for a 210L or more recent.


@boscomantico Do you know her?

@ploucandco I read that too, but I have yet to meet a maintenance nightmare. And I have read all sorts of things about the aircraft we operate. (According to this chatter we are supposed to spend around 100k€ in maintenance each year … so I don’t believe a second in this kind of heresay, but am interested in real life experience… Normally the people who actually know the aircraft have a more grounded attitude. No offence intended) Of course, when you just drop the plane at a shop and leave a blanco cheque in the glovebox, there will be substantial costs. But that is true for all aircraft older than 6 years (give or take).

I do know of the CPA Buyers guide but sadly there isn’t an ebook available for purchase and shipping is expensive and time consuming. So thanks for the link (although I have to discuss if it’s worth 44 USD to me …)

Aufwind GmbH
EKPB, Germany

I have a scan of the POH for a 1964 210D I used to fly. I can send it to you if you think it will be useful. The 210D has an IO-520 instead of the IO-470, but all the big changes came later.


No, unfortunately not.

Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

That would be highly apreciated, @jmuelmen

Aufwind GmbH
EKPB, Germany

Wow. Almost identical avionic setup that I have…. plus the MT.

Looks like a lovely vintage example.

LSZH(work) LSZF (GA base), Switzerland

There are lots more 210’s for sale that seem better value. My opinion is you would be married to that aircraft for life at that price point. I can send you the C210 buyers guide for free if you are going to progress a 210 purchase. The later the better is the summary.

Buying, Selling, Flying
EISG, Ireland

Better Value depends on what you are looking for, isn’t it? I have found many Centurions for sale with a – comparable – avionic museum for almost twice the price. But input is warmly welcomed.

Do you have a digital copy of the book?

My opinion is you would be married to that aircraft for life at that price point.

Knowing me, l think that would be true for any aircraft. Hard to put them up for sale. Did that a couple of times… ;-)

The later the better is the summary.

Well, that seems natural, if you consider that Cessna improved their Models with each Version.

Last Edited by mh at 07 Feb 21:33
Aufwind GmbH
EKPB, Germany
43 Posts
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