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Jetprop grass strip / short field performance porn

I just posted this over on the MMOPA forum, and thought you guys would also enjoy it…

I have been meaning to document some of the short field landings and take offs I regularly perform with my Jetprop HS-TOM, especially those on grass.

Last year I was fortunate to have a film crew following me around documenting the conservation work I do with the aircraft and they kindly let me have the footage they never used in the final programme, which is mostly the exciting aircraft stuff. :-))

I have edited the best parts together from a series of two flights for those propeller heads amongst us, of which I count myself being one. So no music, just the raw sounds from the aircraft and the visual spectacle of what these truly capable machines can achieve.

Disclaimer: I am an unabashed Jetprop fan.
Yes that is the stall warner you can hear.
Any and all mistakes are my own. :-)
The movie contains scenes of an adrenaline type nature, and those with a nervous disposition should look away during the grass landing and take off sequences!
Enjoy.. E

Last Edited by eal at 09 Feb 02:34
Lovin' it

Nice video. She sure needs quite an amount of right rudder during takeoff, doesn’t she? And was there a bird strike on 3:07?

Aufwind GmbH
EKPB, Germany

That party tent for the jetprop is seriously cool !

EBST, Belgium

Cool! Thought the same as mh, looks like a bird strike or near miss on t/o.

One non-aviation Q: why do you fly the Gibbons back and forth? Is there any spcial care facility in Pukhet or is this pure and simple R&R ?

Awesome Ed!

I would pay serious money for a hangar like yours

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

I enjoyed watching the video. The scenery is not bad either.

Last Edited by it_flies at 09 Feb 10:26

Very nice..
First take-off: was that a bird strike just after getting airborne? And missing one just before that?

Son Alberti LEJF, Son Bonet LESB, Mallorca, Spain

Welcome to my world!

Yes, it sure looks like a bird strike, but no evidence of it post flight.

The boot full of right rudder on take off was a real surprise the first few times, but now an unconscious memory muscle, but it can and has caught out the unwary.

The main Gibbon rehabilitation centre is based in Phuket, and there is a newly established release site in Chiang Mai.

Lovin' it

It’s amazing to see a Jetprop operating from grass.

One Jetprop training specialist I know (not John Mariani) has said that there is NO WAY this should be done, ever, ever, and there is no insurance etc etc.

But clearly it is possible because there is grass and there is grass. I had a £20000 prop strike in a pothole with 1hr from new, so that’s one data point, but there are videos on Youtube of a CJ operating from grass and you bet that guy made sure there are no 6" deep holes in that…

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Jetprop takeoff performance is incredible. I could get in but no way out.

Peter, all of the PA46s are approved for unimproved strips. Engine mounts and prop clearance is why most are not used that way.

The Jetprop has the best engine mount for this purpose. The Meridian usually seen as the next best followed by the Mirage. Prop clearance is a major concern – for those that want to do it the struts can be inflated to raise the nose more.

That strip looked pretty hard packed though. Not a UK boggy field.

EGTK Oxford
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