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Piper PA-24-260 N9456P

This is not recent (2018) but has good learning value. Following on from this genre of social media driven flying we have


Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Know your limits.

However I am sure if they would have let the Comanche speed up it would have worked out. The Comanche hates to fly slow. She just stops flying like in the video. It’s not a beginner’s aircraft. Just like other high speed aircraft, even a Cirrus is unhappy when too slow.

When operated within the limits (CG and weight) then it’s ok but the climb out at or above limits is something that requires high concentration. She performs very poorly until reaching 90 knots. She gets airborne quite early, but due to the gear position with a high nose up attitude. You need quite some time until it accelerates to 90. Just let her accelerate. However on the other hand she doesn’t get any faster than 90 with gear extended. So you really want to have those legs up as early as possible.

I always regard these 20 seconds in the Comanche the most important part because there are just easy ways to do it wrong.

The overload wasn’t an issue, even with the missing engine power, and the aft CG wouldn’t have been an issue if it would’ve been flown faster.

However there was a lot more to it here.


While he’s probably correct about who is fly (so it makes no difference to his analysis) I think he places to much importance on the seating positions.

I’ve flown in the past with an instructor (where I was just a passenger along for the ride as the instructor was in command and flying) and the instructor wanted to fly in the right seat as they are much more used to flying from the right seat.

EIWT Weston, Ireland

dublinpilot wrote:

I think he places to much importance on the seating positions.

Yep, thought the same.
A good friend and his wife built a magnificent RV-14A, and since he is an FI always flies from the right seat, even solo (which for me looks a bit weird when seeing taxi by ). He is stall, and she is rather short, and the aircraft was built with the EFIS instrumentation same right and left.

ain't the Destination, but the Journey
LSZF, Switzerland

Honestly, I don´t care if I´m sitting left or right hand seat as far operating an airplane goes (whether big or small airplane). As a flight instructor you simply know how to scale the instrumentation from either side, and the some goes for the rest of the controls. If you are a full time flight instructor (and not flying much as PF), and that´s been your job since initial license issuing, then perhaps it makes a difference and you´d be somewhat more comfortable in the (“normal”) R/H seat. So yeah, the front row seat position should really not play a big role in terms of safety, but of course if the point is that the C(FI) was trying to “please” the zero to hero dude, then obviously we´re looking at human performance issues.

Last Edited by Yeager at 29 Jan 19:39
Socata Rallye MS.893E
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